Hide Chord Symbols *Everywhere*

This might be a strange request.
Preamble: I’m arranging part of a movie score for string quartet. I began by transcribing the basics on a scratch staff (meter, chords, bits of melody). Then I did the full arrangement for the strings and deleted the scratch staff when finished. It was helpful to keep the chords over the Violin 1 as I worked, especially as I planned to transpose the whole thing from Bb to G.
The question: Is there a way to hide the chords from the score and all instruments WITHOUT deleting the actual chords? I’ll likely never need them again, but what if they ask me to add a guitar to the score? It would be helpful to keep those chords, just in case. (I know, I’m a musical packrat! Just humor me.)

In setup mode, right click on the instrument, chord symbols, hide for all instruments.

You can still see them as signposts. View, signposts

Thanks for the reply, Maarten, but it didn’t work for me. Is there something I might be doing wrong? Other ideas?

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Did you right-click on each player’s card in the Players panel in turn?

Does this look right? It’s the same for each instrument.

Do you perhaps have “Show chord symbols” set to “Above top staff of system” on the Chord Symbols and Diagrams page of Layout Options?


That’s it! I didn’t even know such a setting existed. Thanks for your help, Richard!

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