Hide instrument/player numbers in staff labels

Unless I’m mistaken, I don’t think there is an option to hide the “player numbers” from the staff label, but does anyone have a usable workaround to achieve this?
Working on a choir piece and the composer wants the voices marked without numbers, except in divisi cases where the vocies are split into two staves.

Are those two separate Players, or Divisi?

If you labelled each staff individually, rather than “in the middle”, then you should be able to get rid of the numbers by adding the number to the full name (thus creating “different” names.)

Thanks, but not what I’m looking for.
I’m trying to have each voice on a single staff, without any number, when singing unisono or divisi on the same staff.
When divided on two staves I would like to have the short name centered between the staves and the numbers 1 and 2 (or I. and II.) on respective staves

You can easily set Divisi staves not to show the numbers, if that’s what you want.

Yes, just use section players (one per voice part, SATB) that you can then divide as needed.