Hide tempo marking in parts?

I only want it to show in the full score, i.e. q = 120.

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Probably easiest to use shift-X text in the score instead of tempo.
You can right-click to insert the quarter note as music text.


Ah, but I want it to play back! No use if it can’t do that.

You can hide the tempo mark altogether. It will still playback.

If you want tempo to play back but not appear in the music, I suggest you add it using the Tempo editor in the Key Editor.

My problem is more basic — I’m having no luck finding “Hide tempo marking” in the manual, in Properties, in the Jump bar, or in Key commands. I feel foolish and stupid. This was a simple keypress in Sibelius and it’s invisible to me in Dorico.

Here Matt you can choose what is visible and what not:

When I tick “Metronome mark shown” using Set local properties ‘Locally’ in the full score, it ticks “Metronome mark shown” in all parts. When I then untick ‘Metronome mark shown’ in a part, it unticks in the full score and now the conductor can’t see the tempo to set. I go back and forth trying to get the right combination of Locally/Globally and any change I make is populated to the full score and all parts.
Here I’ve ticked the Metronome mark shown box:

And here it’s been checked without me touching it in the Violin I part:

Now if I uncheck this box, it turns off in the full score. Weird.

Hi @Matt_Treder, some properties can only be changed Globally (even if the scope is set to Locally). You can immediately see this because those properties will be displayed in a Bold White font. Follow the suggestions above to hide the desired inserted tempo globally (or use the Key Editor/Tempo to set the desired tempo), then show it using Insert Music Text on the Full Score.

Here the Manual:

Well…yep. In Sibelius this was one single key command. I just assumed Dorico had some analogous functionality. I’m so honored that Daniel Spreadbury replied as well. I’m not clear on why so simple a toggle requires one of these workarounds. I’m also curious why the language used in the Properties window uses neither “Hide” nor “Show,” which are the words I searched (unsuccessfully) in the manual. “Text shown” and “Metronome mark shown” are clear enough but certainly not what I would have thought to search in Google or the manual.

Not sure what you mean: shown is the past participle of show

And you find for many items the property Hide (here for text, for example):

I do see that. I was referring more specifically to the tempo marking “q = 140” which would be meaningful to the conductor but extraneous to players. For reasons unclear to me, the feature is frozen with no toggle and “Hide” doesn’t show at all. The workarounds suggested will work. I was unduly frustrated that I spent a couple of hours chasing my tail trying to find a feature that isn’t there. Apologies to all.

Have you tried unchecking “Mertronome mark shown” as a local change (or vice versa in the score?

EDIT: I see that does not work.

(Personally, I would want to see the MM mark to make sure I was interpreting the Tempo marking correctly when practicing on my own, although I realize the conductor might choose another tempo.)