Hiding new instrument labels at instrument changes

Hi folks, I’ve already hidden the instrument change warnings (i.e., “to Flute”), but how do I hide the instrument label at the new instrument’s first note (see below)? It’s redundant and takes up space (and when at the top staff, it bumps rehearsal marks).


You can select it, and in Engrave, set custom text to a single space character.

It won’t show a signpost though, so it might be a little fiddly to get it back later, if you change your mind.


Thanks, that worked fine!

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Is there any intention regarding making it possible to hide the instrument change as an object with the signpost remaining? At least from my experience, it would make a lot of editing smoother since the current option doesn’t fully take into account changes in the spacing. Perhaps this kind of an architecture would allow for managing hiding the instrument changes by default, which could be useful for example when the instrument changes are standing for different techniques of the same actual instrument.

+1 vote for Hide being enabled in a future update! (ideally as a Layout option, with an override in Properties). The labels are mostly unecessary in a full score, when you can see the new instrument in the staff labels anyway.