Hiding player labels in condensed

I can’t find a way to easily hide the player labels in condensed staves.
As you can see in the picture, I have set to show one player always in an Up-Stem-Voice and the other player in a Down-Stem Voice. Therefore a player label is not needed.

So far I have to select every player label on its own and hide it. I can’t use “select more” to select all player labels and I can’t “select all” and filter for player labels and I didn’t find an option to hide them in general. Have I missed sonething? If not, please consider this as an feature request.


No, you haven’t missed anything, unless I’m missing something. Others have also requested it before too (including me).

Is there still no way to do this? Condensing is a wonderful, powerful tool, but having all these unnecessary player labels sprinkled through your score, when they are completely redundant, is a real issue. Why can’t we just turn them off globally?

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Maybe try to make the paragraph style for condensing labels invisible?

There is no update to this as far as I’m aware.