Hiding rests on second voice

Hello, I have created a piece with two voices as demonstrated in this Dorico training video;

Dorico Video

The issue I am having is that when I attempt to toggle the “Starts Voice Property,” as demonstrated at Minute 2:15, the toggle bounces back; it does not allow me to set the Starts Voice property. I am able to set the “Ends Voice Property”.

Any ideas what I am doing wrong here?
Here is my score snippet:


You (logically) cannot activate a starts voice on a voice that has already started (and not been ended). I’d guess you have a note in the second voice earlier in the score.

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Hi @Peter_Bransche
Probably you already know this, but: to hide the rests, just select them (or the bar/s where they are, ion no other rests that you want to retain are present) and from menu Edit choose Remove Rests.
It was written by @dspreadbury some time ago that the Start Voice property is sometimes not activating (for some complex reasons, and one of them may well be what @Janus wrote) and suggested to use Remove Rest for that cases:

All good information, thank you! I have adopted the method of using Edit > Remove Rests in favor of the End Voice property toggle. That answers my question and solves the problem for me.

Probably you are aware of the possibility of making a Key command in preferences. I use the option remove rests very often and using a Key command for it saved me lots of time.

I’ve bound Ctrl-R to Remove Rests. Very useful. However… @dspreadbury Is it possible to “unhide” those rests later? I haven’t figured that out

Select the previous note or rest and untick Ends-voice in the property (lower) panel.


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That is possible. To do this it is important to understand how the removing of rests works in Dorico. This happens by ending the voice. You can try this by opening the properties panel (ctrl + 8). Enter a note on a staff, select that note and activate in the properties panel “Ends voice”. You will see now, that the rests after that note are disappeared. When you de-activate “Ends voice” the rests appear again.
In the same way there is the possibility of “Starts voice”. If you write a note in the second bar (keep the first bar empty, just rests), select that note and activate “Starts voice”, the rests before that note disappear.
If you will unhide all rests in a certain selection, select all that notes (it is possible to select the bars first and then with J >> filter notes and chords) and deactivate “Starts voice” and “Ends voice”.

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