Hiding Stuff in Engrave Mode

I have a concert band project that has some of the wind players switching from their normal instruments and doing hand claps. Engrave mode insists on providing a clef change for the handclaps and another clef change plus restating the key signature when returning to their regular instrument. I would never have written all this out with a pencil. The words “Hand Clap” and the “x” noteheads is all that is really necessary. Is there any way to hide this extraneous stuff?

Well, if you don’t want to employ a regular instrument change, I’d just put the claps as normal notes, change the notehead to “x” and add staff text instructions…


Yes, I do want to use regular instrument change in order to maintain correct playback for demo. I was hoping for a way to tweak the part to eliminate the clefs from the printed part.

Ah. I found what I was looking for. “Invisible clef” in instrument definition.