I just re-installed Cubase 12 (Pro) and HALion Sonic 7 Collection and noticed that the Collection does not contain all sounds included with both products, but everything from HALion Sonic 3. Maybe it is obvious for most, but just for those also wondering what needs to be installed to have EVERY HALion sound included completely on-board. As reference on the Steinberg website one can see all instruments and synths included in the Collection. The following content needs to be installed:
From the HALion 7 download and install:
- Content HALion 7 Collection
- Tales
- FM Lab
From the Cubase 12 download and install:
- HALion Sonic SE 3 Content
- Verve
(Optionally download and install purchased HALion expansions like “Ancient Duduk”, “Rast-A”, etc.)