Hook length in lines

Trying to increase the length of these hooks using edit line annotations.
I change the length in this window, but it has no effect.

It’s not an ending, indicates a possible introduction.

(In Finale I could just lengthen them by clicking on them…)

If I click on the Edit pencil when the line is selected, it edits the line I’ve used.

So you want to edit the Inward-pointing axis-aligned hook. (Inward: it points up when the line is below the staff.)

(There’s a lot of things, I know.)

Length changes of the (predefined) hook aren’t applied to the line for some reason. They remain the same length as before. If I create a copy of the hook, change its length and assign it to the line, it works.

I literally just tested it, and it worked for me.

That’s strange. I just tested it too and it definitely doesn’t work. Is this a Mac vs. Windows issue? The hook changes don’t show in the preview area of the line editing dialog either.

Don’t know, but I’ve ruined all my lines by giving them massive hooks!

As said, make sure you’re editing the correct annotation.

Ok, I just rebooted my computer and now it works…

Rule 1 on editing lines annotations is always work on a duplicate of the annotation or all your existing lines that use that annotation will be affected! (Same applies to line bodies)

Thanks, I’ll experiment with this later tonight. - Dennis