Hook stroke

Does anyone know if horizontal lines indicating the string bowing “hook stroke” were ever implemented?
I can’t seem to get the 1:1 workaround to work.

Could you use a horizontal line?


Otherwise, create a playing technique, if you can find a font glyph with that symbol. It’s not in SMuFL, though.

What does a “hook stroke” signify to a violin player?

I’ve been using horizontal lines but they have to be moved manually for each instance, and then again if the page formatting changes.

Perhaps a bracket could be added in the Slurs properties > Curvature type section.

Two notes in the same bow - like two down bows, but not slurred together. They have some separation.

That shouldn’t be the case, if they are attached to grid rhythmic positions.

It’s when the bow goes further left than you were aiming for.

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I selected just the two orange notes and chose the bracket labelled in the screenshot.
In the case of indicating hook stroke, the hooks extend too far beyond the noteheads.
Also the right hook is attached to the next note! (Bb)

Where one note ends, the next begins.

In Engraving Options, there are settings for how much additional space the line extends beyond the note – the default is 1/2 a space.


The only thing I’ve done is set the property for the end to finish at the right hand side of the note.

In other words, it’s better just to have the first note selected. Well at least I learnt that much!
Since I also use these lines elsewhere for different reasons, it sounds like I’d have to create a new line based on this one but with different parameters.
I’m having to work at such a pace I doubt I can stop and investigate this, but thanks for the suggestions.

No. Select the two notes you want covered by the line.

You need to specify the correct basis for the tuplet (1:1q or 2:2e etc.)

(That said, for the passage above, I would avoid using that bowing! For precision I’d do this…

traditionally the “hook” bow stroke just uses slurs and dots, as in this Mozart example. bow direction is optional


Thankyou, I’ll propose this to the composer.

It’s a long while since I played violin, but Tom’s image (@tom_ginsberg) is what I remember. Sometimes there might be a up or down bow indication (or we would put one or two in), usually if there was a specific bow direction needed after (no rest to change bow direction) for a following note, and only one needed on the first note of the pair, as it is implied both notes have the same bow direction.
I only remember them being with the same note, although it would work with two different notes.

I’m a cellist for some 40 years and I’ve seen lots of cases of each example. I’ll see what the composer wants.

It also occurred to me to simply go back and create my manual horizontal bracket neatly on the first group and then write sim. :slight_smile:

@Glynn_Davies (well my comment is redundant on you then!) :slight_smile: