Horizontal line behavior

Hi, I’ve made this wavy line on Dorico 4, but for some reason when I increase or decrease its size, it doesn’t change gradually; rather, it makes big leaps. Is there a way it can change gradually so I can place it exactly until the end of the measure?

Currently, no. Repeating shapes repeat only the whole shape. Maybe you could start it a bit later to get the end closer to the end barline.

The way it currently works is appropriate for wavy lines for trills, arpeggios, etc. But (to the Team:) Would it be possible in future to do what Coe is asking and have an option to allow a fraction of a shape to appear at the end?

Thank you. Yes, this should be addressed in a near future.
I’ve found a “solution” for this specific project: Selecting all the horizontal note spacing squares and pressing alt+arrow.
It is not an ideal solution. though.
PS: you can’t only select the bigger squares over the bars, you need to select all the other squares so all notes and rests move together.

I think someone like @dan_kreider asked for this some time ago (or perhaps in Dan’s case it was the height of the arpeggio line). Although I think this is on the Team’s roadmap, I don’t get the idea it is “imminent.”

I’m a little confused here. Do these type of lines behave differently with resizing compared to other things (like hairpins, cresc. lines, etc). In other words, can a more refined sizing occur by specifying a smaller (i.e. smallest) grid size? Or are these just “floating” items that aren’t connected to the grid?

Horizontal lines whose bodies are a sequence of repeated symbols can only ever show a full “cycle” of those symbols: the end of the line can’t occur mid-symbol. So say the available space in a system would require 3.5 wiggles, you can have either 3 wiggles (so the line stops a little short of the barline) or 4 wiggles (and it overshoots).

This is similar to trill extension lines, which also use a repeated sequence of wiggles in their lines.


Thanks Lillie, I understand now.

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