With not a very big computer screen or a second screen I often togle the left panel
In engrave mode when you open the left panel, you always have to readjust the horizontal scroll.Close and re-open it: same player shoots again, again, and again…
a gif to show:
This happens because it’s page 1 of the layout. You can avoid this by increasing Preferences > General > View > Overscroll amount.
Thank you for taking the time to respond,
But without making a pun, it actually moves the problem: when you close the left pane, you have to use the horizontal scroll to put the page back in its place to see it again in full.
All the other programs I use that use panes that can be opened and closed, to name just Cubase, Musescore, affinity suite… opening the left pane pushes the rest to the right and when you close it again it goes back into place.
in short, no big deal
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