Horizontal scroll

SHIFT+scroll doesn’t work for me. Any ideas? I tried an auto hot key script to do horizontal scrolling but it doesnt work on cubase…

~LShift & WheelUp:: ; Scroll left.
ControlGetFocus, fcontrol, A
Loop 2 ; <-- Increase this value to scroll faster.
SendMessage, 0x114, 0, 0, %fcontrol%, A ; 0x114 is WM_HSCROLL and the 0 after it is SB_LINELEFT.
~LShift & WheelDown:: ; Scroll right.
ControlGetFocus, fcontrol, A
Loop 2 ; <-- Increase this value to scroll faster.
SendMessage, 0x114, 1, 0, %fcontrol%, A ; 0x114 is WM_HSCROLL and the 1 after it is SB_LINERIGHT.

bump. isn’t there a global function in windows on how to control the horizontal scroll bar with a keyboard shortcut? Alt something?

Shift+scroll wheel works on the project view. However, the overall cubase scroll bar doesn’t. Nor will it respond to the script I posted above…it works on apps like adobe reader but windows explorer and cubase won’t respond to it.