Horizontal Scrolling inverted / opposite between Windows and Mac

hey there. the support marked this as solved for the second time. without any comment.

does that mean, its fixed in the upcoming update or that steinberg-support just doesnt give a f*#§ ?
i’m getting real angry now. THIS IS NOT A FEATURE!

on cubase in windows up and down is accepting the rules of the OS, but scrolling horizontally is reversed.
but horizontal zooming is right again.
so to sum it up: the way it is, it clearly is a bug. which reads: “when i scroll on x-axis to end, it scrolls to start.”
if horizontal scrolling would be sticking to the rules, an option to reverse would be a feature-request.

Oh thank god, I thought I was losing my marbles (even more).

A lot of my workflow involves making very short changes to track waveforms, so I scroll down to the track, zoom in, scroll horizontally the wrong way, EVERY, FLIPPING, TIME. My brain cannot cope with one of three processes I am doing in quick succession being inverted.

Now I know this is a “me” problem and quite an unusual one and you cannot account for every need of every user but do you not use design documents? Do you manage five teams across multiple countries? Do you test your software? Because from where I sit, I can take a guess at all three answers.

It is a real shame as well, because I really like this DAW and my fellow producers are always intrigued by what Cubase can do over and above theirs (Ableton, FL Studio, Reason) but I cannot in all honesty recommend it to them because of silly little (or large, tiring, will sapping) niggles.

At this point I will probably not be able to learn a new DAW, certainly not in an acceptable timeframe, so I am stuck here, slowly losing my marbles but could I, I would jump to another and I am sure many do for this reason. Please Steinberg, we appreciate all your work but it is undermined by this seeming lack of attention to detail.

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i’m afraid they didnt fix it but just closed without further notice because i was just complaing in my followup post within this ticket from over two years ago about this not being fixed in 13.

i can feel my synapses explode while scrollng in cubase. its real stress, exausting over time. they sure underestimate the impact of this bug.
and they dont understand that it is not a feature.
and they don’t seem to understand, that this is something that annoys everyone, but nobody files a bug for, since this is something, everybody thinks: “sure they will fix this obvious, ridiculus little mistake” - at least that is what i did since it was introduced. (i cant really remember, but i believe it was right until the SX-era.) so it took me 20 years to file that bug… because, they sure will fix it, right? and i only did so because i had another serious problem…

but (sorry offtopic) support is underwhelming:

  • an other ticket that i opened in october 22 was already closed, when i added the complain mentioned above last week. so i reopened, since it is also still not fixed in 13. support said he read that past description and asks for video. well if he really had read, he’d seen the reply over there providing the video. i believe insead of escalating it to the developers it will be silently closed in a year or two again?
  • afer the first day editing with 13 i filed another two bugs. for one i could provide crash-dumps (yes it crashed. a lot! while phase-cohrent synced multitrack-timewarp editing of recorded drums.) - fine. the other one: mouse-scroll on low-cut and high-cut in the pre-section of the mixer does not work anymore. reply: you can do afer right click (??) or open the EQ and then scroll. yes. thanx for trying to help… but … how about understanding that this is a bug and needs to be passed to the developers, so they can fix it? those support-system are so broken, when everything the first level is trained to, is to not overload the developers, but dont get it right. how can bugs be fixed that way at all? i’m sooo tired of this.
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I think that the person who programmed this, embedded the scroll support on PC in such a way into the code (interdependencies!) that it takes too much of an effort for Steinberg to fix it.
If my assumption is correct that means we, the customers, have to make the pain for Steinberg to not fix it bigger than the pain for Steinberg to fix it currently is.

No idea how to do that. I don’t own a media corp.

Unfortunately Cubase incorporates several of these poor design choices.
On top of poor design choices comes the poor communication strategy of not engaging with customers. This applies only to the Cubendo folks; Dorico, WaveLab, VST Connect, VST Live are all doing fine.

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well thats probably the most annoying part in it:
i strongly believe that it is extremly easy to fix. even the direction-flipping constant is obviously already in the code, since vertical scrolling does correcly stick to the OS’ direction. as i see it, they just need to add this inverting constant to the horizontal-scrolling-routine, like, the part, where the content is moved. even if they have more than one horizontal-scrolling routine it should be done within minutes. and it doesnt need exessive testing, since its only the inverted direction - everything else just stays as it is! if it was my code, it’d seriously be done in a minute. (5 extra minutes for exessive testing…) i might be wrong here (on cubendo). but then things are even worse than i thought…

the only reason that i can see might be that they are afraid to annoy those who only ever scroll horizontally within cubase and got used to that.
… therefore they would need to put it into settings adding a variable for the inverting, instead of using the existing constant. but then they dont want to bloat the settings, and probaly dont put in things only for one OS.
… and then, as long as they dont see, that from an objective point of view, this is a bug, not understanding the scope of hell it is for their users, and why nobody files a bug for it, they just say its an unecessary feature and leave their software in a horrible state.

From the latest financial data I saw about Steinberg and given the fact that Cubase/Nuendo accounts for roughly 3/4 of their revenue: People started to vote with their wallet that they don’t appreciate the state of the software quite as much anymore.
We’ll see where this will go.

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I haven’t seen any financial data. But this business is about critical mass in the target markets. It isn’t clear to me that Steinberg has a distinct vision for the target market. In the past, I would have said the target market is techies working in their basements doing cool s*** that never sees the light of day. But that is probably not a very good marketing choice.

Forever, the user interface has been a jumble, a contest to cram as many controls onto the screen at once. In my view, that is exactly the opposite direction from where most of the market wants to go. StudioOne has gained a good following, and their claim to fame is being easier to understand, more intuitive, and more task-oriented, while being less “gee whiz”. And when everybody and his dog is out there carrying on about the latest AI this and that, the fundamental motive is to simplify things for the user. Most people want results, not complexity.

I will say that C13 did make some nice improvements, albeit subtle, in this area. I hope it is not too little, too late. The fact that we can go for years on such a ridiculous bug without a single word from anybody in any official capacity at Steinberg is really not a very good sign for their future.

If I were the King of Steinberg, my top priority would be to hire somebody like Daniel Spreadbury to look after Cubase/Nuendo from the customer’s point of view.


Steinberg is not sincere in the basics.

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I’m not sure exactly what the problem is that is being reported here, but it works correctly for me. MacOS 13.3.1. C13.0.41.

Cubase correctly follows my system mouse setting for Natural Scrolling and horizontal scrolling in the Project zone behaves the same as horizontal scrolling in the Finder and Logic Pro.

Horizontal scrolling is completely broken in the mix console of course, but in the project zone I don’t see a problem.

it’s good on windows, except that horizontal scroll is reversed.
But on MacOS it’s almost unusable

This topic is exactly about that: the reversal of the scrolling direction.

yes, many users report this, and so did I.
Why haven’t Steinberg fixed it yet ?

You have several other topics for your Mac issue. This is not one of them. This is about an issue exclusive to the Windows version of Cubase.

I use Cubase both on Mac and Windows. So this is one of them.