Horn F stems in wrong direction in concert score

Should I actually create separate Concert v Transposing scores, along with Horn in C (assigned to Concert) and Horn in F (assigned to Transposing)? The Concert score is showing Horn stems in the wrong orientation - or have I missed a preference somewhere? This seems like the kind of thing Dorico would know how to handle.

My brain hurts reading this :wink:

No need for separate Horn parts. Just create one for Horn in F, and everything should be good.

If your Concert score has stems in the wrong orientation, we would need to see the file, or at least parts of it. Something odd is going on there.

Hi @phase_Shift,

Absolutely no need to create different players for Concert Pitch and Transposed Pitch!
The stems direction follow automatically the conventions of music engraving and the context of the music. The needed options ar in Engraving Options/Notes/Stems.

In Transposed Pitch view, the notes for French Horn in F are notated higher than in Concert Pitch view, so the convention rules apply. and they possibly point in a different direction (tending to “pointing to the middle of the staff” in other words)
If you would like to flip the stems you can use the shortcut F (after selecting the desired note/s).

Maybe you have forced manually the Stem directions (with F or the menu) so that you have unwanted results. To reset it, select the notes → right click → Stem → Remove Forced Stem.
Here more information in the Manual:

that was it.

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