Hot key for loading quick control preset on track

I use default quick controls which give me remote midi access to track volume, pre gain, and pan on every track.

It would be great to have the ability to assign a hotkey to add the quick controls to every new audio track.

Main use case is when I render to new audio tracks, I want these same quick controls to appear quickly.

Duplicating a track will also duplicate the quick controls, but the use case mentioned above is the main one for me. I’m sure there are others.

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Sounds to me that saving the above settings in a track preset would do the job by adding this one instead of an empty audio track, but I do get your point.

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Is there a particular reason it has to be done with Quick Controls?
If you set up MIDI Remote you would be able to control Volume, Pre Gain and Pan on any track that is selected and the setup only has to be done once.

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I thought about this, but I think at present you can’t recall a specific track preset, you can only use assign a hot key to bring up the track preset dialog and then search for it.

I may be wrong so feel free to educate.


Staring me right in the face the whole time. I guess my mind was transfixed on the possibility of using the knobs for other things as well so I didn’t go there, but it turns out I actually do want them to serve as only for those functions.

I already have the knobs in question assigned to track QC 1, 2, & 3, leaving the possibility of controlling anything those QCs are assigned to. But I can just use the remaining QC slots for custom assignments.


EDIT: the focused QCs can fill the void of QC slots 1, 2 & 3 (as long as the track is in focus) so nothing is lost :+1:

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Actually I think this would be pretty useful to me as well.
I am using Nuendo with a big orchestral template, and sadly it was prebuilt a long time ago.

It would be cool that, instead of right-clicking on the QC section and assign a preset, if that could be done, via a Macro or by recalling the preset from MIDI remote.

Saving a preset track works only on newly created tracks. I’m talking about 400 tracks here.

Plus: Spitfire has micpositions rigged to CC 22-25, Opus has mic positions rigged to whatever I decide, and SINE, well - that’s anotherstory altogether because I need at the moment to assign CCs to buses in Vienna Ensemble Pro as they don’t support CCs controlling mic positions in their damn sampler.

The only way I can do this at the moment it to re-assign CCs to each instance of each library in my template, which is going to be even more painful.

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