How can i Save MIDI Clips with 2 Instruments on a Grouped out?

Hi there,

How can i Save MIDI Clips with 2 Instruments on a Grouped out?

I am asking because Cubase doesn t save the tracks when i select them and i can make this work in other daws easily


Could you be more specific, please?

In the 1st sentence you want to save MIDI clips, then I don’t understand a relation between clip and Group Channel, then you are talking about MIDI Tracks… Thanks.

Hi there,

Thank you for asking

What i mean is:

Saving Clips with more than 1 instrument and their group channel settings, that i can Preview from the MediaBay


1 bassdrum pattern
2 snare pattern
3 vst synth line ( All sent to: )
4 Group channel

then preview these channels at the same time

Sorry still not clear to me, could you send a screenshot?

Okay will do

( i edited my explanation also a bit added few bits of info above, but yes i will send )

I see, now I think I got it. This is not possible. In Nuendo you can save a Clip packages, so multiple clips at once. But this doesn’t contain routing.

Okay, thank you