How can make the playing techniques which only affect the attached note?

Dear advanced users,

is it possible to make the playing techniques which only affect the attached note?

Thanks in advance.

I only know the answer for percussion, in which case the answer is no, Dorico applies playing technique to all instruments in the same voice (or was it even the same staff). However, for percussion instruments you can define custom noteheads for different playing techniques and you can affect individual note this way

On playback a playing technique will typically affect all notes played by that voice, because all notes in a voice will be routed to the same endpoint. If you want e.g. pizz. in one voice and arco in another at the same time on the same staff, that’s what independent voice routing is intended to allow.

Thank you for your kind explanation!

However, how about the “Bartók pizz” and “left-hand pizz”? Does it affect only the attached note?

Yes. This is down to the Playback Technique rather than Playing Technique, though. You can access the Playback Techniques dialog from the Play menu, or from within the Playing Technique Editor. If Articulation type is set to “Attribute” then the Playing Technique only applies to the one note (unless you extend its duration), whereas if the Articulation type is set to “Direction” then the Playing Technique applies until it is cancelled by a “Natural” or by an item in the same Mutual Exclusion Group (e.g. pizz can be cancelled by arco).

:slight_smile: Thank you very much!