I have a score and parts. One of the parts turns out to have only a single staff on the last of four pages. I think I should be able to reducing the spacing between staves a tiny bit so that Dorico will put one more staff on on of what are now three pages.
So I go into Engrave mode, select Library → Layout Options → Ideal Gaps and change the “Staff to staff” spacing from 6 lines to 5 lines. When I click “Apply,” nothing happens (aside from the number changing).
To see what I might be doing wrong, I tried changing the “Staff to staff” spacing to 20 lines. Still no effect.
Here’s a fragment from the first page. It seems to me that there should be plenty of space to fit an extra system on this page. I’m sure I’m missing something obvious, but I have no idea what it is.
@arkoenig there is also a quick way to get the same result:
If you have 5 pages and only want 4.
Insert a Frame Break at the beginning of your 4th page (this won’t change anything yet)
then go to the Property Panel and set “Wait for next Frame Break”