I have had this before and was able to solve it but now I just can’t find what to do:
I have a 32 measure lead sheet.
Everything is fine except the last staff line, 4 measures, covers only about half the width of the page.
After an hour of searching through the various options and preferences dialogs I can’t find anything to change it.
(Other than adding an extra measure at the end and then adding a system break).
This is set up for 5 bars per line with manual system breaks at the 4 bar break. I didn’t find another way to handle the first staff line with 4 bars and a one beat pickup measure.
Great, I was looking for that explanation to!
My personal workflow is this:
Try something with the custom spacing ratio of notes (not too much!).
If there are staves which are quite full (e.g. 97%), i try it by setting a system break before the last bar of the staff. Often the whole page gets recalculated by such a prodedure and solves the problem. Or: i do the opposite, means combining a bar to a slightly filled staff (e.g. 70–80%) in order to force Dorico to create a e.g. 102%-staff.
Thanks. I was looking for this fix too.
The latest manual should bring up the relevant topic based on a variety of related terms, including “last staff cover full width of the page”
If you have a ‘fraction’ of a page’s worth of material on the last page, then I tend to change the Note Spacing for the whole Flow: either make it a bit tighter, so that the music fits onto the previous page; or make it a bit looser, so that it fills the final page.
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hi, I’m wondering how to make the last staff cover full width of the page in dorico 5. The links in the chat led me to a page that says error. I’ve attached a screenshot of my problem.
thanks a lot and best wishes