I just purchased Dorico Pro 5. (Former Finale user.) I am able to use my Casio synth keyboard for input. However, I cannot figure out to route MIDI output from Dorico out to this external MIDI instrument. (For what it is worth I can easily do this in Reaper by choosing routing options.) I cannot find similar output routing options in Dorico. Am I looking for something that does not exist.
You should be able to add your keyboard as a MIDI Instrument in Play mode’s VST panel.
You will need to then configure each track (each Dorico instrument) to send to that.
benwiggly shows it well. I had to find it by poking around. If your midi out is configured and running and recognized by windows (if you’re using windows) before you start Dorico, you see it as an option. Turn off (the circular “U” type thing with a short line through it at the top) for the default play back things and turn on the physical out you’re using.
I’ve been using a Roland JV-2080, and thought I’d only use Dorico to play the “performance” mode on it, using 16 channels to operate 16 patches on the Roland. I have been setting up templates for each performance mode on the unit, which I imagine you’ll be doing for your synth. I have to say though that using Dorico “as is” works out fine for a lot of things and is less work.
Thanks for your reply. I was previously able to add the Midi device here under the “MIDI Instruments” section.
Unfortunately I do not know how to configure the track to send the output to that device. Any clues or screenshots?
Thanks for your reply. I can click the circular U type think with the line through it on the VST instrument. However, I do not see any way to “turn on” or activate the MIDI instrument. I am using Dorico 5.1 on Windows 11.
Here is the screenshot.
You need to click the Track Inspector tab (next to the highlighted VST and MIDI). That will show where each track is routed.
Thank you, Janus! It now routes to the MIDI device.
I was using Finale for 20 years and it will take me more than a couple days to find my way around Dorico!
Thanks to all of you for your help.
I have the same problem. There is no problem to add the midi keyboard, and to route it. Like, Flute to channel 1, Clarinet to channel 2 and so on. When playing back, all are using GM standard piano sound. So 10 different instruments are all playing GM piano sound. Anyone that can tell me how to make a playback template/expression map or how to input a CC to tell the keyboard what sound to use? I need it like “Midi output playback for dummies”
You’ll need to add a Program Change with the GM number for the instrument in each expression map for each instrument.
Wish I knew how to do that.
Yamaha have made a list like this:
[g1] Genos Piano
[p2,0,104,21]S.Art! CFX ConcertGrand
[p2,0,104,10]S.Art! CFX StageGrand
[p2,0,104,9]S.Art! CFX AmbientGrand
[p2,5,104,19]S.Art! CFX BalladMix1
[p2,5,104,22]S.Art! CFX BalladMix2
[p2,0,104,25]S.Art! CFX WarmPad
[p2,5,104,23]S.Art! CFX Shimmer
[p2,3,104,1]S.Art! CFX CocktailGrand
[p2,3,104,2]S.Art! CFX OneOctave
[p2,3,104,3]S.Art! CFX TwoOctaves
[p2,0,104,22]S.Art! C7 StudioGrand
[p2,0,104,11]S.Art! C7 PopGrand
[p2,0,104,33]S.Art! C7 WarmGrand
[p2,0,104,34]S.Art! C7 SuperstarGrand
[p2,0,104,36]S.Art! C7 Celestial
[p2,5,104,24]S.Art! C7 Atmosphere
[p2,0,104,37]S.Art! C7 CarillonPad
[p2,0,104,35]S.Art! C7 PadProduction
[p2,112,8,32]S.Art! Harpsichord
[p2,6,0,113]Live! GrandHarpsichord
[p2,0,104,13]S.Art! UprightPiano
[p2,1,104,13]S.Art! PopUpright
[p2,0,104,14]S.Art! 70sBalladUpright
[p2,3,104,13]S.Art! HonkyTonkUpright
[p2,1,104,14]S.Art! SaloonUpright
[p2,3,104,14]S.Art! UprightOneOctave
[p2,3,104,15]S.Art! UprightTwoOctaves
[p2,0,104,15]S.Art! ChilloutUpright
[p2,0,104,30]S.Art! CFX PadProduction
[g1] Genos E.Piano
[p2,20,8,41]S.Art! 70sSuitcaseClean
[p2,20,8,46]S.Art! 70sSuitcaseAmped
[p2,20,8,39]S.Art! 70sSuitcaseWarm1
[p2,20,8,47]S.Art! 70sSuitcasePhase
[p2,20,8,44]S.Art! 70sSuitcaseBallad
[p2,20,8,45]S.Art! 70sSuitcasePan
[p2,20,8,42]S.Art! 70sSuitcaseTremolo
[p2,20,8,48]S.Art! 70sSuitcaseWarm2
[p2,20,8,43]S.Art! 70sAmbienceEP
[p2,20,8,51]S.Art! 70sMeditationEP
[p2,5,104,20]S.Art! DX Production
[p2,5,104,21]Regular DX Padded
[p2,5,104,10]Cool! TX Bright
[p2,5,104,11]Cool! TX Mellow
[p2,5,104,12]Cool! TX Warm
[p2,5,104,1]Cool! DX Midnight
[p2,5,104,3]Cool! DX Dream
[p2,5,104,2]Cool! DX BalladBells
[p2,5,0,123]Cool! DX Dynamic
[p2,5,104,0]Cool! DX Sweet
[p2,5,0,124]Cool! DX Ballad
[p2,5,0,121]Cool! DX Sparkle
[p2,20,8,40]S.Art! 70sVintageEP
[p2,20,8,49]S.Art! 70sVintageDriveEP
[p2,20,8,50]S.Art! 70sVintagePhaseEP
[p2,2,104,10]S.Art! CP80 ElectricGrand
[p2,2,104,11]S.Art! CP80 Production
[p2,20,8,33]S.Art! Clavi
[p2,20,8,34]S.Art! ClaviFunk
[p2,20,8,36]S.Art! ClaviAmped
But how to put that into Dorico? Got absolutely no idea, and it is not logical to me. I would love it to be possible to click in the routing for input something like this:[p2,5,104,19] or in the notation, just rightclick, get Programchange as an option and add the information.
Even better, is to import a txt file like you can do in Cubase, and then you can choose whatever instrument directly, cause you got all the names from the txt file.
But as I see it (dummie as I am), you need a doctor degree in Dorico to be able to do that.