Here is a very basic example.
Take 2 mono tracks, one for the left, one for the right channel output.
Now, on channel one, there is a plugin (like MSpectraldealy) with some latency, say 43 ms. The other channel has no plugin (or a different one).
Than the resulting stereo file as two channels of different length.
To adjust the length of both channels, I have to introduce some extra latency to match the exact ending.
For this the exact information of samples is needed.
After (without correction)
With 43ms correction
So, it would be really helpful to see the exact number of samples for the latency.
Imagine the phase issues afterwards when mixing mor together… I am not sure, if many people here are aware of this issue. One may try to fix this later on with EQ etc. But the cause is the latency in the chain. And for this, the exact number of samples might be helpful.
And it should not be that much of a problem, becuase as you said already “WaveLab uses samples internally, not milliseconds”.
Converning the “negative latency”, I can only refer to this

Does Wavelab handle this?
Concerning the mentioned 43 ms and the number of samples, I will ask Melda about it, because approximately43 ms (2064 samples) seems correct. What those 488 samples are to adjust remains a new mystery by now.
This is the end after 43 ms… not exactly
Some more samples are needed for the exact match
This is the sweet spot:
2135 samples != 2064 samples = 48000 (samples/sec) *43sec /1000
→ Therefore an exact information beyound “ms” is necessary.
→ I just need some clarification of how Wavelab handles the latencies in order to get exact results in the end.
Idealy, every sample carries an extra flag with its enumeration (first sample, second sample, third sample and so on…) and after a plugin, the program checks wheteher the flags of different chanels are still in correct position to each other… but I doubt, that this will be feasible, so it’s just an idea… there would be a substantial amount of extra book keeping necessary, which I do no expect. So, fine, year…