In some a cappella–barbershop–scores, they use a dotted line to follow the melody as it moves between the different voices between staves.
This does not affect playback. It is simply a tool to help the vocalists follow the melody through the parts, as such, it may affect the dynamics or stressing of certain notes being sung.
I may just be missing the feature, or possible work-around.
Thank you, for a great product, so far. I am looking forward to the new features!
Such lines would also be useful in keyboard writing to indicate when the music of one hand crosses staves. Unfortunately, (as far as I can tell any way) there is no currently built in functionality for this. It pretty much comes down to shift-x symbols that you copy & paste into the score and position manually.
I really quite like the idea of Dorico building in a functionality akin to slurs where you select note1 and note2 and hit (L for line?) and have a straight, dotted, or dashed line drawn between the two, editable in the properties panel below to select type. For me this would be incredibly useful. If they built it off of the slur engine it could potentially be very powerful as well, since it would allow the score to dynamically update and redraw the line since it would be “smart” and not simply a graphical overlay.
You can use gliss line with the text suppressed for this at the moment since they don’t play back. Presumably when gliss playback is implemented there will be a way to disable it for a given object.
Yeah, currently it’s possible to gliss from bassoon to flute, or whatever, so I’m very much looking forward to the day these gliss lines will play back By then we probably have proper voice leading lines in place…
I would say, in my cluelessness, that such lines are very similar to glissando lines as they stand implemented today — hence us using them as voice leading lines — which means that hopefully they can be very easily made available.