How to change key in the chord track please?

Just watched a tut on the chord track and no mention of how to up it a few semi tones or change key…I can’t see how to do this in the chord pad either…I’m definitely missing something…

any help please?

thanks, Kevin :slight_smile:


I’m not sure there is a way to make all the chord symbols transpose, however, if you have a progression you like, here’s what I’d try. Pull the chords from the Chord Track onto a blank MIDI Track and it will create the chords on the track. Next copy those, transpose them (Cubase transpose is awesome and works very well, I’ve tested it, it’s solid), and after they are transposed, right click on them, go to “chord track” and assign the new chords. It should create transposed chord symbols within the chord track. You can then go back and delete the chords on the MIDI track if you’re using that for Adaptive Voicing playback.

I’m not at the DAW, but I’ll check this out later and see if I come up with anything useful.

use the info bar.
I just tried. :sunglasses:

Hi, how are you doing it with the info bar?
I’ve selected the chord symbols on the chord track but I get no info on the info bar,
I know I can select the midi track and change key in the info bar but this leaves the chord track symbols behind…
if i do this and raise them a semi tone , then ctrl right click and create chord symbols…chord symbols are created but then everything has gone out of tune…
it seems the chord track isn’t much good… :frowning:
surely there is a way…a chord track that cannot change key is just daft :astonished:

cheers, Kevin :slight_smile:

gonna give this a shot…thanks :slight_smile: edit,…so tried it but it didn’t work…chord symbols stayed the same…

Just to get that sorted, I called it the info bar but Cubase calls the same thing Info Line? :blush:
Now are we in the same place?
If so the first thing I see is the 0:00:00:000 position of the first selected chord on the Chord Track
Then there is the root of the chord and then some type like 7 for seventh chords … of all things!
You can change the root with the scroll wheel of the mouse or a few other ways but mouse wheel is good.
Works here.
Alas the notes won’t follow so if you have created the chord parts from a MIDI part you have to edit the notes in the MIDI part as well, but hey, this is Cubase! :sunglasses:

Oh, Ok, we were in the same place but I didn’t realise you meant changing the root…

cheers and thanks for your time…

best, Kevin

haha! :sunglasses:

I probably wasn’t clear enough about what I said, so I created an example to show what I was talking about.

I’ll list the steps in order.


  1. Create chord track and enter chords.
  2. Create Instrument/MIDI track
  3. Select chords on the chord track and drag them to the MIDI track
  4. Select and Duplicate the chords created on the MIDI Track (mute Chord track, or reassign)
    Do not copy the chord symbols on the chord track, leave the CT blank, Cubase will enter the new chords…
  5. Select the new set of duplicated chords and do >> MIDI >> Transpose Set-up
  6. Transpose the chords as you may wish to.
  7. Select the new, transposed chords, then >> Shift + right click >> Chord Track >> Create chord symbols

Result: A new set of chord symbols is entered into the measures of the chord track which match the transposition.

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I uploaded a screen shot and a step-by-step on what I was trying to say.

Thank you for taking the time to explain…I was using the transpose on the info line… :unamused: :blush:
strange that the chord track doesn’t take into account that people might want to change key…

thanks again Stephen…

best, Kevin

I understand some of the ways Cubase deals with chords and transpositions, but I still have a lot to learn. I find myself using the Info line transpose mostly for quick octave jumps of a part, but with Transpose Set-up I’m able to make easy key changes and diatonic shifts, also; using the Scale Correction has yielded some really interesting results – things I might not have arrived otherwise. I love that Cubase can read the chords, make a perfect diatonic (or other) transposition and enter new chords in the CT. It’s a great feature. Info-line transpose is excellent too. I still have more to learn about using Root Note and the actual Signature Track.

Take care :slight_smile: