How to change part with PG / CC?

someone can
can you help me change the parts with a pad or with program change or something else? how you do it?

Hi @francescomidi,

have a look to the “Actions and Shortcuts”. There you can find an Action to select Parts.

See you,

Thanks for replying, sorry but I couldn’t understand the function (select part) my goal is to jump between parts with a nanoKORG controller with the Korg keys sending the control changes for example in the first key which transmits cc# 33 change the 1st part
and then with key 2 change the 2nd part by sending cc# 34 etc… can this be done? I don’t want to use the trigger with the tracks, I just want to program the live show with the sounds in the parts and change between the parts on the fly with the nanokontrol. I hope I explained myself. Thank you so much

see Focus Contro - #5 by musicullum