How to change to a different articulation of the same instrument?

Hello. I am a newbie to CB and have CB13 elements. I have recorded some midi tracks, but wish to change a part in one of the tracks to a different articulation of the same instrument. What would be the easiest/most straightforward way of doing this please? NB IN CB elements there is no expression map feature. Any links to videos would be good. Thank you.


The easiest way would be to use the Expression Maps and just set a new Articulation event.

Thanks Martin, but no expression map(s) in Elements.

The instrument you are using would probably use key switches to change articulation. These are usually midi notes at the lower end of the keyboard range (C0 and below). At the point in you’re track just input a midi note of the required articulation and you should get the required change.



Sorry, I’m not an expert in the comparison chart. :wink:

Then my expectation is, that you are using another track for the other articulation. Then just Copy (cut) nad Paste.

If it uses a multi timbral style plugin (different slots, each with a MIDI channel, I.E. HALion Sonic, Kontakt, Play, Opus, Garritan ARIA, etc.)…

You can set the track’s output channel to ‘any’, and change the MIDI channel on individual notes (in key or list editor) for different articulations loaded into different slots of the plugin.

Load each articulation to a unique channel/slot in your plugin.

You can also simply dedicate a new MIDI track to each articulation type, and set the plugin output and channel as required for each track. For this sort of setup it’s fairly common to load the plugin as a ‘rack instrument’ (as opposed to a ‘track instrument’ and use MIDI tracks for performance recording/composition.

If your plugin isn’t muti-timbral, but supports ‘key switches’, ‘program changes’, or continuous controller events to ‘swap sounds’ in real time, then you’d simply draw or play those into your track (or use a dedicated track for them if you prefer).

If the plugin isn’t multi-timbral, and doesn’t support articulations via key-switches/program changes/cc-events, then you’ll simply need separate Instrument tracks for each articulation.



In this case, I recommend to set the coloring of the MIDI Events by the Channel in the Key Editor. Then you can see the “articulation” by the color-coding.

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What’s the instrument? They may be an expert on that instrument here.
And your operating system?

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Spitfire BBC SO Cello.

I had a look at Spitfire’s site, and there are 3 editions of the BBC SO. If you’re using the free edition, you’ll probably have to use separate tracks per “technique”, as Spitfire calls them. With the other editions, it’s as #DodMod said: just use the keyswitches, as per the manual. Usually, you’ll insert the keyswitch a few MIDI ticks before the place that you want the articulation to take effect.
The vast majority of instruments that have several articulations use keys out of the playable range to select them. (If it’s a violin, they’ll be lower, but if it’s a contrabass, they may be higher.)

Thank you. I have paid for version. I assume I have to then put another key switch in to revert back to the original articulation?

That’s correct. Sometimes you have to hold the key down for as long as you need it, sometimes it’s like a toggle switch - the manual will tell you what’s what.