How to configure Cubase 13 to use VSL's VEPro 7

Hi -

Yep. . . another “newbie” to Cubase. But I am not a newbie to sequencing using lots of “Virtual Instruments” (VIs). (Apologies if this question has been asked before.)

I use VSL’s VEPRo 7 a lot, paired to another audio-sequencing program. I would like to be able to use VEPro 7 with Cubase 13. For one set-up within VEPro7, I use three instances, each with several VIs, each assigned to their own MIDI channel and audio output. (This particular set-up stores about 50+ VIs.) I can get Cubase 13 to communicate with VEPro7. In other words, I can see that VEPro 7 is receiving the MIDI signals to the individual instruments loaded on it. But I’m unable to figure out how to receive, hear and record the VI’s audio signals in return from VEPro7. Obviously, my attempts to configure Cubase 13 ain’t working.

Can someone please kindly explain to me how to configure Cubase 13 to fully use VEPro 7, or at least lead me to a web-page where I might find the information??

Thank you!

Kind regards. . .

Well. . . I got the answer!

First, you have to create/initiate the number of Instrumental Tracks that corresponds to each “Instance” of VEPro 7. In my case, it’s three for the older VEPro 7 project created long ago.

Then. . . you have to search for each instance of VEPro 7 in the “VSTi” section of Cubase 13 . From there, you select/activate the number of outputs from each instance. This creates the audio channels needed to hear and record each individual instrument.

Additionally, you create a MIDI group and channel that corresponds to each virtual instrument (VI) found within each instance of VEPro7. (There can be dozens of instruments housed in each instance, each with its own MIDI group and MIDI channel, depending on your set-up.)

You record each VI by recording the MIDI information that corresponds to the set-up within VEPro 7.

I can see that setting up a master project will take some time. (I haven’t done it yet.) But once the master project is created, it’s there to be used for all future projects. Hopefully. . .

Hope that this is helpful for anyone using Cubase 13 that is paired with VSL’s VEPro 7 for the 1st time.


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