How to Convert old Cubase files (ARR and ALL) to CPR format

Moderator Note from @steve

With the new licensing system this post has become obsolete.

Visit this page for all details on how to do this.

You will need a license to any Cubase variant on a Elicenser dongle or a soft-elicenser.

obsolete info saved here

I have solved this with Steinberg support’s help.

  1. Download the latest SX3 from Steinberg’s download site and install to your device
    The download page is here:

I run Cubase Sx 3 on WIndows 10 and I use the compatibility mode setting. I have set to Windows XP (Service pack 3) and it is stable.

  1. Look for the latest version of Cubase Pro ( at the time of writing Cubase 11 Pro) and download the 1 month trial. Downlad and Install the activation to your eLicense on your USB. ( you dont need to fully install pro to achieve this)

  2. Open Cubase SX and point to the Pro license. Cubase SX3 now opens… Finally !! But only for 1 month. Lots of time to convert my arr and all files.

Use file - import - Cubase arrangement , then file save as to save as a CPR
Use file - import - Cubase song
The song opens with a table. Select one row at a time for each arrangement within the song.
You need to do this multiple times to convert the entire song.
Select the row. When the song is loaded go to File - Save as to save in cpr format.

Audio is preserved. If an audio file is not in the correct folder you can search for it.

Parts names track names etc are also preserved. Much better than moving in midi format.

As of 2021 Jan all items I mentioned above are easily obtainable through the Steinberg website.

This solution does not work using a Cubase Artist license. It must be Pro !

Please like this if you found it helpful


The full version is available here


Haw to convert *all to *cpr…?


Welcome @Theofanis, have a look at the first post in this topic.


You will need to re enter any notes you may of had in the notepad within the ALL or ARR, these are not imported automatically into SX3.

Hi, I tried to do this with Cubase 12 Pro and Cubase SX 3 but it doesn’t seem to work. The soft eLicenser isn’t accepting the pro license. I don’t have an USB dongle. Do I absolutely need one or is there an other option? I have found more than 20 tracks from the 1990s in and I really would like to export the .all files to midi so I can use it in my DAW that I use these days.

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Yes, unfortunately. If it’s worth it to you, you can pick one up: Steinberg Key USB eLicenser – Thomann UK

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Cool Thanks Steve. Definitely worth it if it works for sure.

er… wait a second. You will need a Cubase 11 or earlier license to do that. Do you have one in you Steinberg account? (sorry, I was imagining you were referring to a Cubase SX 3 license, but I realize you might only have Cubase 12 Pro.)

If you ever registered it in a Steinberg account, SB Support can help you obtain it.

If you have the SX license in your Steinberg Account, you can do a Zero Down Time request to obtain an activation code good for 25 hours of usage, and eventually receive a replacement permanent code.

You need the dongle.

Thanks, yeah I only downloaded Cubase 12 Pro as a Trial for 60 Days. I won’t fork out the money for it just to get my old files. The price for the dongle would haven been ok. I use Reason and Ableton depending on the project nowadays and I won’t go back to Cubase I guess. The OP wrote that it works with the trial version so I thought I give it a shot. But I don’t know if I can get Cubase 11 as a trial now.

Right. Sorry about that. You’re correct about the C11 trial also.

no Problem, thanks for the help and the fast reply, so I didn’t order the dongle yet.


HI, sorry to ask on this old topic. I cannot install SX3 on Win10… It keeps failing at trying to copy stein____.tff a font file… Has anyone found a way around this?

I have a few .all files I really want to convert…


SX3 don’t run on modern macs, like mac studio unfortunately :stuck_out_tongue:
There might be a way using emulators but frankly, not worth the hassle…
Would be great if there was a handy little tool, even command line would suffice. Then I could put it into Apple shortcuts for a context menu launch…

installed and running on windows 11


Juste use safe mode (F8 at Windows boot).


As far as I understand it running sx3 needs a licence running in the elicencer for a later version of Cubase up to version 10 or 11. I managed this today as I had an unexpired cubase 10 pro trial left on my usb elicencer. So sx3 installed OK.

But what happens in 2025 when the elicencer is withdrawn?

Also it was luck that I had a trial version licence as I crossgraded to Nuendo 11 for my full licence a couple of years ago. I thought I read somewhere that Nuendo 11 licenses would still be useable with older versions of Cubase but this does not seem to be the case.

Surely for the future Steinberg should be providing a more seamless method for converting older user files - either by providing an independent utility program for conversion - or by decoupling sx3 from it’s protection software - or by releasing enough source code for community developers to develop a utility solution. Thanks.


A post was split to a new topic: Trying to install SX3 to convert old files but “The disk you attached was not readable”

This does not work for me. Cubase SE3 does not install on Windows 11. And when I had to replace my eLicenser, the old SE3 license was not included on it. I emailed Steinberg, and I was told the license is no longer available.

I still have a bunch of old .ALL files that I cannot access.