How to convert one bar of 4/4 into 6/8 using the tuplet function in the score editor

Hello. This is a screenshot of one bar in my key editor with 16th triplet quatize value selected. I did this so I could chop my midi note into6 equal pieces. My score editor shows this

Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 16.31.42
I need it to show 6 triplet quarters. Is this possible? Right now they are triplet half notes . I am trying with the tuplet function but it says “can`t handle tuplets”. Please can someone tell me how to fix this?

No reply at all. Is this not possible in the score editor?

Ok I got it to work… not sure why the triplets were showing as half notes overlapping. In a new project I tried it and if you activate “auto quantize” it should show the quarter note triplets automatically if they are quantized and mine were so not sure what was up with that…