How to copy existing meta data from flac to mp3?

Hello there,

I have a lot of tagged (serato) flac music files which i want to convert to mp3 without losing the meta(tags).
I need to do this because some dj equipment doesn’t support flac( only mp3)
When i open metadata i can see all relevant tags in the wavelab metadata. But how can i automaticly convert this tags to mp3 .

IS there a special syntax?

I don’t think you can do it in Wavelab yet. There are new source file metadata selections to get fields in source (diy, create your own custom presets, not automatic mapping). But not for Vorbis comments metadata from FLAC yet. (unless it’s new in 9.5.40).

Is there a possibility. There are many settings in wavelab. Unfortunately, I haven’t found any yet.

There is currently no possibility.


Check out…

I’m sure you find more out there…

regards S-EH

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Thank you very much for the tip.
It works with dBpoweramp Batch Converter.
regards Franz


Glad I found this thread recently. Not only does dbpoweramp preserve metadata, but it maximizes all available cores if desired.

I do wish Wavelab would fill gaps like these because many customers prefer to stick with one cohesive brand/workflow.

I am currently working intensively on which software gives me the freedom to use mp3/ flac/ ogg in order to achieve optimum performance on a terminal device. The fact that metadata could be deleted/ omitted during conversion would be an immediate reason to stop buying. But Wavelab can use XML files, if I’ve read that correctly. Couldn’t the theme opener first use a program that reads all metadata into an XML? Then prepare the data (columns, rows) (data analysis). And use Wavelab batch processing, read in the XML and create mp3?
PS: unfortunately dBpoweramp Batch Converter is Windows only.

Are you sure…

regards S-EH

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thanks for pointing me to that! on my system I see no menu, I am dependent on the links in the floating text, which makes it pretty hard to navigate. Using your link, I still do not see any download button nor advice nor link. Might be my Safari setup?