How to create a tie to a 2nd ending in Dorico?

Is it possible to implement a 2nd tie ending in Dorico? I’m not having much luck implementing a 2nd tie ending on my own.

When I search the Dorico Pro 5.1 online documentation I get nothing at all when searching the word “tie.” There must be some setting that prevents a simple search.

The first screen capture shows Finale’s 2nd tie ending (desired). The second screen capture shows Dorico’s 2nd tie ending (not desired result).

I’m using Doric Pro 5.1 on a MacBook Pro.

it_could_happen_to_you.dorico (600.1 KB)

You’re getting that long tie because you seem to have tied the A in the first ending to the A in the second. You should start by removing the tie and then just tying the eighth note into the first ending.

For the 2nd ending tie, @Christian_R provided an elegant solution just the other day. Insert a grace note before the A in the second ending, tie it to the quarter note, and then in Engrave mode hide the notehead and the stem; the tie will remain.

Here’s the file.

it_could_happen_to_you with tie.dorico (595.4 KB)

I’m curious - will the 2nd tie produce correct MIDI files?

You can use an l.v.

L.V. tie = Laissez Vibrer Tie

  1. In Write mode select the note in the 2nd ending that requires an end tie
  2. In the Properties panel (Window > Show Lower Zone) toggle the Laissez vibrer tie switch
  3. In Engrave mode manipulate the tie to begin from the left.

None of the current solutions to this problem will produce (on its own) the sound of a note tied into a second ending. Perhaps that is the challenge that the Development Team feels should be part of any native Dorico solution to the problem and this is what has delayed implementation. Until then, one of the visual work-arounds is not that difficult to effect.

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