Mainly, I wanted to share my wonder at what Dorico could do! I happened to read Daniel’s remarks:
…it is possible for time signatures, so you can achieve the results you need by creating a time signature by holding the Alt key, which will create it only on the staff on which you clicked…
in a quite different topic. I had been fascinated by a medieval music score extract seen in a book, and it seemed clear that it could not be achieved with Finale. But with Daniel’s instructions I tried it and this is the way it came out:
and it was not even difficult!
I have only 2 minor questions:
When the flow was empty, I declared a glogal 9/8, then wanted to set the Voice 3 to 6/8. But I could not immediately, because even if I clicked on voice 3, it would go to Voice 1 instead. I worked around that by rotating the players in Setup, and them rotating back. But after that I did not have any such problem with the 3/8 and 3/4. Did I miss something at the start?
Also I wanted to try the “Showing barlines across all staves at time signature changes”, since Hoppin had done it, but I could not find the Barline joins all staves property in the Time Signature group, whether in Write or Engrave mode, Again, did I miss something.
Kudos, anyway
I really don’t want to spoil the mood, especially as I really appreciate the simplicity of this possibility and I’m glad you like it too, but we’re talking about polymetre here, not polyrhythms.
Polyrhythms are the simultaneous use of two or more rhythms based on different divisors that are not divisible with each other (without creating a decimal number). Example: two against three, four against seven, five against two, etc. What you have used are different, simultaneous time signatures, which corresponds to polymetre. These can contain polyrhythms, but in your case they do not.
No problem, I stantdcorrected , no good mood broken. I am always confusing terms, especially in english. Do you have any answers for my last questions, or should I wait for somebody else? If you don’t have, you don’t need to answer !
I’d like to think the “mood” here in the forum is always to use musical terms properly, so on principle it’s good of you to bring it up, @Len_von_Geist.
I’m curious, @pmc.galoubet, is that title (with the precise spelling including rythm) from an historical source or your own?
As for your questions:
- I’m having trouble imagining why a voice would be un-clickable, and you should never have to rearrange them in Setup Mode just to be able to click in any voice! Can you give any more detail about your precise UI interactions? Can you do a screen capture of you attempt to select that might give us a clue?
- It would help us to know what you want to achieve if you made a markup of your music image that shows where you want cross-staff barlines.
I might also have a partial answer to my first question. It seems that when I click on a barline common to the 3 readers, and the following bars are all empty, this is the case where only the top reader will change its meter. This might be because the total absence of items in any bar makes it difficult to determine the target reader?
Here, I wrote a post about how to have polymetre in Dorico. Under the “first case”, I described how to have connected bar lines (step four): Guide: How to input several different, parallel time signatures (aka polymetric)!
EDIT: I hope I understood your question correctly!
Incidentally, I set part of Ciconia Virelai a few years ago in a Scoring Notes article. It includes a few more tips. It’s old but still generally current. You can find it at:
Yes, you understood my question perfectly, thanks for the answer, and I followed your instructions (the actual english term for Barline Connections is BarlinesJoins, by the way ). But I did not get the expected result. I am attaching my project, if you can see any obvious mistake or reason?
Amans.dorico (780.0 KB)
Since the time of the snapshot, I have added one extra bar at the end, but in Hoppin’s book it was only partially displayed, so the system ends quite abruptly, please don’t mind that.
Hmmm, You have the settings in place and yet it doesn’t work. I have used the settings on a newly created file and that seems to work, so I’m not sure what’s going on:
I was able to to it manually however, but (in Engrave Mode) selecting a barline in one of the lower voices , selecting the top square handle and typing alt-up arrow. It’s just that it’s something you have to do a few times. Still, I don’t understand why it’s not automatic in your case. There is a setting in your file which interferes with the Engraving Options
Yes, obviously I have some setting which both interferes with the Barline joins all staves property in the Time Signature group, and the Join coincident barlines option in the Engraving options. Surely those 2 weaknesses must be related? A global program setting somewhere?
Either I am crazy or the computer is :
FIrst an image of the Engraving Options in my Amans Project:
which definitevely says join!
Now an image (sorry for its size) of the comparison in the Library Manager of the Amans project options with The Factory values:
which definitively says that the Amans Engraving Barline options are break!
I did not create a lot of projects yet so I may not even have met this before. I created a small project template with only Page Template customisations, and some options that i felt I was going either frequently or systematically wish diferent from the factory values. The Bar line options were in that case, and I also Saved them as Defaults while creating the template.
So my userfactiry is now different from the factory.
Then I created some projects from the above template, most of them quite happy with break options. Then I created Amans, and for that one I switched those: options from break to join, of course without Saving them as Defaults.
The result is that
Project Template Overrides Factory break vs. Join
Project Amans Overrides back Userlibrary join vs. back
Might there be the possibility of a glitch here?
I get the same results: New file, set the barline options, paste in the notes from the posted project, add meters, barlines connect. I also checked the Library Manager, and didn’t find a difference that would affect this. (Thus I didn’t say anything.)
This looks like something for the team to investigate.
Even on my system, with my userlibrary.xml file, if I create a new project from scratch, set it up properly, set the join options, and paste the contents of the problematic one, the barlines are joined.
So the 2 scenarii:
I create my project which the following family tree
Factory join
UserLibrary break
My new project
settting my new project to join works
I created my former project which the following family tree
Factory join
UserLibrary break
My project template break
My former project
settting my new project to join fails!
In the words of Skeleton Jack:
Interesting… But what does it mean???
Is this what you’re looking for?
In Engraving Options > Barlines > Barline Joins, I set Coincident barlines in polymetric music to Join coincident barlines. In engrave mode, I made a marquee selection around the first rest in every staff and clicked the last button at the bottom of the left panel to change barline joins.
We’ve got it working normally – it’s just not working in that one project he posted!
Did anyone try selecting something in every staff in engrave mode and clicking the button to change barline joins?
The weird side of the problem is that I can do it very easily in a fresh project from scratch, but it does not work in one project created from a template, where something seems to interefere with the engraving options who appear correct. I have posted a lot of screen shots and stuff to show this, please look at my posts 13 and 15. Beyond that I cannot find any button to change the joins, neither in the Time Signature properties group like the help says, or in the Engrave left panel. Thank you for your help.
It seems that the engraving options dealing with barline joins for vocal staves do not work for polymetric music when the staves are not bracketed together. However, if you select something in every staff of your example project and click this button…
…at the bottom of the left panel in engrave mode (you may need to scroll down to see the button), then your example looks like this:
Edit: Changed the end of the first sentence above.