How to create repeat symbols

I need to create two types of repeat bars, one for the beginning of a section and the other for the end. And I haven’t completed the section yet, so initially I just want to make the first bar as a repeat symbol. I’ve looked up repeats in the on line help and tried using shift-R, but can’t get anything useful and do not see the bar repeat I need.

To create the repeat barlines, you can use the bar popover (Shift+B) and type |: for the left and :| for the right repeat barline.
Alternatively, it’s also possible to select the barlines from the tools panel at the right.


But maybe I haven’t understood you correctly and you want to create something different.

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As @Martin90 says.
Select the first note at the beginning of your repeat section and either use the shift-R popover, or the repeats panel on the right.

Repeats popover • Dorico Pro Help • Reader • Steinberg

Thank you both. Easy solution which was not mentioned in the help manual. One question for Martin90: What is the vertical bar symbol which you show before or after the :? I’m using a Windows keyboard if that makes a difference.

It may appear as ¦ on your keyboard, but that’s the same as |.
On my Mac US keyboard it’s on the \ key, Shift-backslash.

… and, if I may add, the symbol is called
pipe |

Selecting from the tools panel not only solved this problem for me but also guided me towards the solution for how to enter a fermata and rit. text, which means I won’t have to ask about them separately. I’m learning Dorico (slowly). The terms and concepts are very different or new (like “popovers”) for some things so this is a major help in adjusting my concepts for using Dorico and speeding my learning. Thanks.

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The great thing about popovers is you don’t need to go ferreting around with your mouse in panels and submenus.

And (for the Anglophones) the shortcuts are almost bulletproof in their simplicity.

Want to add an ornament? shift-O. Change a key? shift-K. Add dynamics? shift-D.

The most brilliant popover is one of the outliers shift-I (loosely about intervals perhaps?). Use it to add intervals to make chords; or transpose; Forgotten to change a key signature and all your Bs are Bb? Change them with a single command; map passages into different keys/modes; rotate; invert… (magic)

If only figured bass were not shift-G and cues shift-U (oh well)


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Nope. Doesn’t work for me (but of course I’m a Brit!). I only remember that shift-F was stolen by fingering and G is next door!:thinking: