How to delete rests and move all notes to the left?

I am trying to edit in Dorico 4.3 SE some staff that was OCR-ed. There were some errors during the recognition mainly in 8th note triplets, where the first two eights of the triplets were tied and written as a quarter note. While I was editing those, somehow Dorico introduced extra rests after the triplets I was editing, and all notation only for one of the instruments has been moved to the right across the bars, so now it is not in line with the other instrument. I tried to delete a rest, but that made the things even worse - now I have a bar, which signature should be 4/4 but has only 3 1/2 times - three triplets and one eight note. I would like to fix that bar to have exactly 4 times (3 triplets and one quarter note) and also to delete some rests in the beginning of the next bar so all the subsequent notation for that instrument moves to the left across the bars to be aligned with the other instrument.
On the attached screenshot on top is the original staff at the two problematic bars, on the bottom is the Dorico staff at the same bars. The last rest in the first bar in Dorico, which is selected, should be a quarter rest, but it is a eight rest instead and the other eight is in the next bar, while it should move in the first bar, so I can input the quarter note from the original notation there. With red lines I have marked which notes from Dorico correspond to the original.

There may be (and probably are) easier ways to do this, but for simplicity’s sake I usually choose the first note and SHIFT+Click the final note of the erroneous passage, use filtering if I need to seprate out a single voice, and then use ALT/OPT + Arrow Keys to move the erroneous notes where they need to be.

Turning Insert mode on and deleting a rest will shift everything back.

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