Is it possible to display the waveform and spectral views together, overlaid and with transparency control as in RX?
Is it possible to display the waveform and spectral views together, overlaid and with transparency control as in RX?
It wasn’t designed that way because to me it makes no sense to have both views with completely unrelated infos in the same display, but feel free to share a use case where that could be useful.
Thank you for your reply.
Sometimes it makes sense to save space. Just for that.
Although, if I may butt in here… this ‘Rainbow waveform view’ (as found in WaveLab Pro) as an option in the top window, would be a nice addition…
Feature Request: Adding Rainbow Waveform Support - SpectraLayers - Steinberg Forums
Of course, no space-saving as @prko is suggesting he would like, but can give a chance to quickly find via familiar waveform view, those ‘areas of interest’ through colour coding… Its nice in WaveLab…
I’m going to have to side with @Robin_Lobel, I don’t believe Spectralayers should be redesigned to be exactly what Izotope RX is and also I don’t see any benefits for overlaying a waveform over spectragram.
I agree with Robin and Joey, here…that said, I have never used RX.
There are several other things I’d rather see (a big meter, amplitude scale on both right and left, a tally on layers for sound present) over having the waveform display atop the spectograph.
I’m not sure I follow how the rainbow waveform display is used; that video you linked to is pretty fast and assumes the viewer is a seasoned WL user. That said, I can foresee rainbow waveform display being extremely useful once users deeply grasp the functionality…at first glance different layer colors might have one think the rainbow waveform is already there in SL…folks just need to realize the difference is one waveform with many colors, verses different color per waveform.
For my purposes, just how SL already is (multiple waveforms layered) is much more helpful than one waveform at a time. Along with the SL11 envelope functionality, it is a big-time game changer for me.
Really, what would help me most would be the ability to set colors for specific grid lines in the waveform display…say for example, set -9dB to a custom color would MASSIVELY speed up my process.
Apologies for the continued diversion from the OP
Yes - I’m sorry too, for steering off-course of the topic…
Further discussion should take place in the other thread I linked to above.
[PS - @ctreitzell I believe Todd, the video explains well the intention of ‘Rainbow’ waveform use (spoiler alert - it is a useful/interesting ‘visual aid’ only). The customisable colours display and relate to as many/few frequency ranges of your choosing.]