How to double time signatures

I have a section like this inside of a movement of a symphony:

I need to double note duration for all these bars (easy enough), but I also need time signatures to be doubled.
Is there a way to do that or should I keep the insert stop at the end of the affected area, perhaps remove current time signatures, then double durations, then add new time signatures?

I’ve found topics from 2020 about this. Has there been any update?

By the way… using double note duration on an orchestral region that also contains bar rests overflows the Insert Stop Line, and overwrites existing music afterwards.
I’m quite at a loss here.
Do I really need to rewrite everything?

I would make room for the extra duration first:

  • Use the system track to select the passage to be doubled
  • Click the little + button to add that much more time
  • Put in the stop line at the end of the rests
  • Delete the wrong meters and add the correct ones in order (still ignoring the notes)
  • and finally double the durations into the new empty space

That’s kind of what I did, but since there were many tuplets it was a very tedious work of untupleting and retupleting…
One thing is sure: if you want to feel alive, using Dorico’s insert mode is as good an option as any horror or thriller movie!