I can’t find how to edit a already existing time signature from an imported xml and when thes is text also?
I try double clic …sometimes works sometimes not!!
I try Return key, enter, key when the time signature is selected(red)
I try shift M
Don’t know the secret
Somebody can give the “tiercé gagnant”?
For starters, you have two things selected. Use Opt-Shift-click to make sure only the signpost is selected, not the text.
You should then be able to press Enter and edit the time signature. Alternatively, you may find it best to select all meter signposts and delete them, and then re-enter.
Great thanks Dan and Mark.
Both work although this could be improved unless it exists in workaround:
if the time signature is in hidden mode and we edit it, it goes into show mode and we have to put it in hidden mode again
with Dan’s option (Opt-Shift-click) to select, we must do two clic with Ctrl + Alt …With on click, it’s not very easy to aim at the right place with the pointer, even if you are outside the one you don’t want to select. Or you have to zoom in to around 450% and click on the red time signature at the very bottom. In addition the zoom Ctrl + Alt + mousewheel does not zoom to the position of the pointer, but the whole page, we must remove the page…can be improved in my opinion