How to edit line default body annotation (no erasure needed)

Hi all,
I’m currently struggling with glissando lines because the positioning of the text is often not ideal (in very specific scenarios where a deeply granular editing is needed). I would like to be able to move the “gliss.” text a bit in specific directions without having to change global settings.
Creating a separate Paragraph Style doesn’t work because we cannot (yet?) edit the angle of a text object. That would solve 99% of my current issues with this.

The gliss. erase background is often too big and gets in the way but, when trying to edit the body annotation of the stock gliss line I see this:

…which shows that the body annotation is something called “gliss.”
And then this:

From the list you can see that the “gliss.” annotation is not there.
Engraving Options > Glissando Lines has no setting for erasing background. Perhaps somewhere else? But again, it would affect all lines, not just a specific one.
Perhaps a Font Style? Good if it would not affect all lines. Erase background is good, but I would love more control over it.

For the timeframe of this project, and I suspect most projects really, creating a line with 0-width body with gliss. above and then move it into place is too time consuming.

Could something be done to improve this to give us more control?
Specifically, has anyone found a way to edit this line body annotation?

I don’t think that is the stock gliss line. Isn’t it a line you created yourself?


It’s not a file I created so you may be right but… if so, how was the gliss. body annotation available? Is that, instead, something that comes by default?

No I don’t think it’s available in the Line annotation editor.
But you can easily create one with text


Here’s one with the gliss font.
gliss.dorico (533.8 KB)

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You can edit the position

I see!
What I meant, then, was that you can change the text position only if the Text property is activated. Alas, doing that creates a regular, not italicised text.
I think the issue is that, once you have a line that has been configured to have text in the Line Editor, you cannot change the position of the text over it.

Have you been able to create a line with italic text whose text you can move?

Yes, that’s a bummer. It ought to keep the font you chose in the line annotation editor. I usually create several lines and annotations with different settings. Not a good solution though.


I guess if you set the default text font to italic, that would work but would mess with everything else.

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I found it. Library Font Styles->Horizontal Line font set to italic


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The issue would be that it would change everything else.

For me the game changer would be to be able to edit the angle of custom text objects. At this point … the 0-width body line with text looks like the lesser evil until something else is added to the program.

Indeed if you have many lines that need text placement.


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