Included in the feature request poll, so vote up.
Synchronisation of editing cc data between multiple vsti/midi tracks
Included in the feature request poll, so vote up.
Synchronisation of editing cc data between multiple vsti/midi tracks
Like always with Steinberg. If you need something that most user don’t give a … about. Meaning something that is not gonna convince a 13 year old kid in his bedroom to buy a full new version of Cubase. Meaning something that doesn’t represent any $$$ to Steinberg well u can be almost certain that this feature is likely to never be added to Cubase…
Fortunately for us there’s something called Midi Logical Editor + Project Logical Editor + Macro + External Macros when needed.
So today I was asking myself the same question as the original one from 2015 and since nobody guave a satisfying answer during all those years (I think) here’s the best solution I found (if anyone care) :
Create a custom Midi Logical Editor Preset to Select CC data, Call it “Select CC Data”
Create a new Macro called “Copy CC Data to next Part” with inside it :
-Select CC Data
-Activate Next Part
-Paste at Origin
-Select None
“Copy CC Data to next Part x2” containing 2 times “Copy CC Data to next Part”
“Copy CC Data to next Part x3” containing 3 times “Copy CC Data to next Part”
“Copy CC Data to next Part x4” containing 4 times “Copy CC Data to next Part”
So now let’s say you want to multi edit at the same time all the CC1 values of a 4 part midi passage :
The great advantages of that solution :
After any new CC edit, all CC data is copied to all parts instantly with only one keyboard shortcut (with nothing happening on the screen, everything is done in the background in a micro second)
because it’s “paste at origin” the pasted CC data will always be in perfect sync no matter where the playhead is when you trigger the keyboard shortcut. Meaning you can instantly hear your multi CC edit on the playback.
It always guives you all the options : meaning let’s say you want to edit the global CC1 for the 4 part String passage, then you always do the shortcut after your CC edits. But if you want to edit only the Violas to have a different CC curve then you edit it without doing the shortcut at the end. And if you have VL1 with their own midi CC curve and then you want to edit the 3 other parts the same way then just use the keyboard shortcut ctrl+alt+shift+3.
There you go… I must say if you want the power of technology with no compromise that’s a very very nice solution for working with tools such as Divisimate inside Cubase for orchestral mockups !
Let’s hope this helps someone !
This is really great! To add to your fantastic solution, in step 3, I just made a one single macro with 40 instances, which then covers me in the edge case where I want to apply the CC transformation to all the instruments in the orchestra - but at the same time have said macro still working if my selection is smaller (say from just one track to another). That way you don’t have to eyeball how many times you want the transformation to take place and choose the right macro - it merely applies to all tracks in the selection.
Thank you for doing this!