Here it is – thank you!
Dorico (943.8 KB)
To recap where we are…
- Dorico fails to download 7.1.10 instruments in the SDA, so I’ve downloaded them online.
- Despite installs to default locations, Dorico doesn’t recognize the files.
- Re-installs of all files have been attempted, including SDA.
I’m sure @Ulf will check back in here when he has a moment, Lars. Unfortunately I still have no further ideas to offer.
Hi @Lars_Kahn , looking at your diagnostics, HALion Sonic 7 is still not installed with you, just HALion Sonic SE 3.5 is around.
You did download it from HALion Sonic 7 updates and downloads | Steinberg already and ran the installer, right? Even if so, please try once more.
But then also comes the question of the contents files. I think you might have a file access problem on that end. So please do the following:
Open a Terminal window (to be found under /Applications/Utilities/ and copy’n paste the following line into that window
find /Library/Application\ Support/Steinberg/Content -ls > ~/Desktop/SMTGContents.txt
and press the Enter/Return key. After a second or two you should find the file SMTGContents.txt on your Desktop. Please post that here. Thanks
Looks like .txt isn’t allowed on the forums, so I’ll upload as a PDF. I tried a re-install once more as you suggested, but no results : /
Thank you for looking into this! Attaching a screenshot of HALion Sonic 7 installer too to show it thinks it’s working.
sodapdf-converted.pdf (12.7 KB)
Can you please post another diagnostic report so I can see what is really installed now.
And in regards to the contents files. Many files are installed with owner root and not Larskahn, so although they are installed, you have no access rights.
Therefore, please go to /Library/Application Support/Steinberg/Content and change the ownership and access rights equally to every file in every subfolder. Have a look at this site of how to do that
I’ve given each name “read and write” files (previously the system had read and write while “wheel” and “everyone” had “read” only).
Here’s the diagnostic:
Dorico (945.8 KB)
According to the diagnostics, HALion Sonic 7.1.20 is now detected. Also in your preferences it is set up to use the best available HALion plug-in. In your case that is HALion Sonic, so if you set up a new project, it should load HALion Sonic now automatically. How about the sounds now, do they also load immediately?
That worked! Thank you so much!
TLDR solution: " …Please go to /Library/Application Support/Steinberg/Content and change the ownership and access rights equally to every file in every subfolder. Have a look at this site of how to do that"