How to get rid of NotePerformer 4 slots (I called them voices / tracks)

I’m not sure what these are called, but they are multiplying like rabbits in my projects (.dorico files).

I think the reason is this: I have started using one project (file) that has my desired settings for each file. Then I import a flow from another dorico file that has the tune for the given hymn I’m working on.

But I keep having the problem that instead of playing the default “all piano” preset I have made and saved in NotePerformer, Dorico playback via NotePerformer usually reverts to various voices (as you can see in the screenshot). I go to Play > Playback Template > Apply and Close (with NotePerformer selected) in the hopes that the settings will be reset. That used to work, but now I’m often getting this mess: lots of “instruments” or “voices” or whatever here in the NotePerformer panel and I sometimes cannot get all piano playback unless I restart Dorico.

My desired preset:

As soon as I launch playback, I hear ahs, not piano and this is the NotePerformer panel’s appearance (note that the two items on the right are the only ones playing – the final Soprano and final Bass on the right:

But getting it to “stick” is hard. What might I be doing wrong?

Thank you!

EDIT: I found this in the NotePerformer manual:

If you delete staves from the score, you can remove
the lingering slot by clicking the instrument name and selecting
Special>(delete slot).

So I now can delete the slots. But I can’t figure out why they magically appear many times when I invoke Playback. I can set NP to my Piano preset, press “P” to playback, and immediately more slots appear.

I sense that the problem is because the slots in my preset are not mapped to the voices in the project. Might that be? How would I fix it?

What can I do to map the Dorico voices to the piano slots in NotePerformer (the ones that show up in NP when I choose my preset)?

I don’t think you can do anything here (apart from moving your instruments in Setup mode and reapplying the playback template, and I suspect it won’t be enough to get the expected order). This is one of NP’s drawbacks.

@MarkLarcher, Wow! You got me on the right track, and (I think) I’ve accomplished what I wanted to.
I went to setup and deleted all the “players” except Soprano 4 and Bass 5. (I guess I did not have to do this, but I don’t need them and I have no clue where they came from.)
Then I clicked on the three dots … and selected Change Instrument.

I selected “Piano” and I’m good to go.

I still don’t understand what a NP preset does if it does not set the playback to it, but, oh, well…

I now have the playback I want. Thank you!

Well, not quite so fast there, Eric!

That added staves to the score. So I used Command+Z to get rid of the staves and the playback reverted to the “ahs”, not piano as I want.

If you want single staves to play Piano sounds, you can use an instrument in the Sketch family.

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