How to get the Cubase 13 upgrade for free?


I have read, that I can get a free upgrade to C13, if I update my software to C12 now.

My C11 (elements) is ‘grace period eligible’ for a C12 update. I never bothered to update, but since I want to get the free C13 upgrade, I’d like to upgrade now.

In steinberg support I read the following:

'How to verify eligibility for free Grace Period update


You’ve selected ‘Cubase 11 or older’.

This means your current license is stored on a USB-eLicenser (dongle) or in a Soft-eLicenser (on the hard disk).

Click ‘Continue’ to find out how to check whether you are eligible for a free update to Cubase 13.’

This is what I find in my account and soft-elicenser:

What am I to do now?

TLDR → In short my questions are:

  1. How do I backup my settings of my currently installed C11 elements?

  2. How do I get my C11(grace period eligble) to C12 upgrade?

  3. How do I get the free C12 to C13 upgrade from the upgrade I’m about to do?

Thanks in advance!

There is a support article describing what to do with Grace Period Updates

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Thanks for your response. Yes, this is what I have quoted in my OP. It tells me ’ your current license is stored on a USB-eLicenser (dongle) or in a Soft-eLicenser (on the hard disk).’

This is what I find in my account and soft-elicenser:

What am I to do now?

The download assistant it shows in the example does not look like the one I have, and I can’t find an option for ‘Grace Period Check’:

'Click on the account button in the top-right corner and select “Grace Period Check…”. ’

Edit: I did open the download assistant instead of the Activation Manager. My bad.

You need to open the Steinberg Activation Manager (SAM) to get to the Grace Period Check.

The SAM is the new tool that was introduced with Steinberg Licensing. It should already be installed on your system.

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Oh, my bad. Thanks Matthias!

The Grace Period Check was successful. When I click ‘update’ it simply opens my browser and brings me to the (which I am logged in to) asks me to join the newsletter and after declining, it gets me to the startpage. I don’t understand.

Please log in your MySteinberg account and go to the Voucher section. You will find the update there.

Just make sure that the email match when you log in to your account, the download assistant and the activation manager.

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I double checked on the matching e-mails. It should be fine. It is weird. The SAM says I don’t have licences but says I am eligible for an update? There are no vouchers.

Are you running SAM on the same machine with Cubase Elements 11 installed and activated?

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Yes. Cubase soft-elicenser recognizes the license on this machine and Cubase is installed on this very computer.

Can you please send me a private message with the email address that you use for your account?

It says:
An error occurred: Sorry, Matthias_Quellmann is not accepting messages at the moment.

Please try again. I had to block messages at one point…

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If I use the export profiles function and load up the file in C13, will it be setup like my C11 was?

if you are on the same machine, the preferences will be taken over automatically.

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Thank you very much. Have a nice day.

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