How to Input Multiple notes?

For drums,

  1. how do you enter multiple notes in the same rhythmic position? I read in manual using Chords and popovers, but must bre an easier method.
  2. Computer keyboard: are there key assignments for note input? For example, for a snare drum, what key on the kybd, etc for each drum. I thought i saw something when setting up the drumset that there was a keyboard shortcut for the drum?

Did you find this information in the manual?

is it helpful or do you require help understanding something specific?

There is this (it is long and detailed)

you will find others :slight_smile:

Inputting chords should in theory also work for drums?

Arco yeah aware of that one. He uses a midi keyboard which isnt very helpful. But he did mention yamaha xg drum mapping with kybd

I did not see that input druns section in the manual. I will check again

That previous link was from the First Steps guide, rather than the full manual - it gives you very specific steps to create one particular drum part!

For generic input steps, see here:

Hi Lilly,

I just tried the selecting chords and that works. thankx

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