How to Install Missing GA Content?

Hi Rene,

I checked and the files you are missing are part of halion sonic 3 content , …

To be clear, are you saying to download the content for “halion sonic 3” or for “halion sonic 3 SE”?

@BaseCu The files highlighted are not part of the Groove Agent 5 library and appeared after the 5.2.0 update. They are separate expansions. I have raised this on another thread about GA/Media Bay update issues. Not sure how they appeared here either and Steinberg haven’t provided an explanation. They have said a fix is in the works, though specifically what for is unknown. I have reverted to GA 5.1.20 for the meantime as apart from the new media bay browser (which is clumsier imo), there is no difference. 5.1.20 ironed out existing bugs only recently.

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I would try it do download that content because you can’t do anything wrong . you can click on the preset files and if it is installed already it gives a message.
So you can see if this is a part of the solution. :

Halion Sonic 3 was /is an separate free downlaoddoes not contain any content. This version can be used to load Steinberg content, user-generated content and 3rd party libraries without a Steinberg DAW. Furthermore, it can be used as a plug-in in any VST 3, VST 2, AU, and AAX compatible host and as a stand-alone application.

Halion SE comes with the DAW and contains content, that is, programs, layers, presets, etc. and can be used out of the box…

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Just curious, does the 29.55 GB “Content HALion Sonic 7 Collection” file (see SDA screenshot below) contain free or paid content?

HALion Sonic 7 Collection content is paid - it’s the same content that was bundled with HALion Sonic 3.

You need a HALion Sonic 7 Collection licence, HALion 7 licence or Absolute 6 licence to use the HALion Sonic 7 Collection content.

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I’m trying to find all the free HALion Sonic content that comes with Cubase Pro.

After downloading “HALion Sonic SE 3 - Content” (associated with Cubase Pro 12), …

I obtained the files shown below.

I also downloaded “HALion Sonic Selection - Content” (associated with Cubase Pro 13), …

and obtained the files shown below.

I assume the Cubase-bundled HALion Sonic content is numbered sequentially (though I may be wrong), so I expect to see files such as “FCP_SMT_002…” and “FCP_SMT_003…” (i.e., the ones between “FCP_SMT_001_HS_Synths_01” and “FCP_SMT_004_HS_Accordion_01”).

Is that correct?

If not, does anyone have a list of all the Cubase-bundled HALion Sonic files?
