How to Install Missing GA Content?


Does anyone know how to install the GA kits highlighted below?

When I click on them, the Steinberg Library Manager reports that they are already installed. However, I do not see these files in the folder I specified for installation, and the corresponding content does not appear in GA (all the presets are just little red dots rather than the names of the presets). The only files that appear in the folder I specified for installation are the 14 unhighlighted files shown below.

Don’t you have those files in your archive you made after downloading and installing? If yes, simply copy them to a folder, in Explorer doubleclick to any of these files, it will run Library Manager, answer that you want to register in-place.

Otherwise download them.


Thanks for replying.

I’ve tried what you suggested multiple times but am always told (by the Library Manager) that the kits in question are already installed.

I suspect my issue is due to an old config file or Registry setting that still contains entries of these kits in their previous installation locations.


Do you have latest Library Manager?

Looks like the files you have highlighted all require an additional license - this is, as far as I can see, not GA factory content. Do you have the licenses installed?

Yes, I do have the latest Library Manager.

Okay, that might be the problem.

Do you happen to know if any of the kits with little red dots (indicating missing content) correspond to the non-factory licenses?

What’s not clear is why that unlicensed content was ever downloaded.

I also don’t understand why I now have the little red dots. They only appeared recently so something obviously changed. Is there a way to remove them?

Thank you.

hello . it is a bug. these are the kits from Ga one.
please look at the chapter GA maintenace update 5.2. a lot is written there about that will be fixed.

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Hi Rene,

Thanks for letting me know about the GA 5.2 update!

I have a similar problem (missing content) in Halion Sonic 7.0.20. Was that instrument also broken in its latest release?


not that I know off. what content do you miss in Hs 7.0.2? maybe you can make a print screen?

Hi Rene, I posted about the problem here.

I was referring to the first screenshot you showed - the files there (e.g. “Colliding Worlds” or “Nashville”) are definetly not GA One content but additional Sound sets (you can find them in the Steinberg Store).
But these files are not the reason you see these “red signs” - the kits marked with the red signs are GA One kits, like Rene_van_der_Struik wrote correctly and it is a bug - I see this issue too.

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I am unfortunally not familiar with this issue. But I am trying to help en forgive my questions but maybe it can help to understand this issue better.
Do You own halion 7 and did you create your own user library? how did it work before Halion Sonic 7.0.2. It looks like the user preset was made for example in Halion and can’t be read in Halion Sonic


Do You own halion 7

I do not own the full version of Halion. I’ve been using Halion Sonic 7.0.20 since SB released it and told us to replace the SE version we were using.

did you create your own user library?

No, I have not created a user library.

how did it work before Halion Sonic 7.0.2.

My issue is that last week all of my instruments showed up in Halion Sonic (i.e. there were no little red dots), but this week all of the content is missing specifically when I click on the “User” icon to reveal its patches.

I’ve noticed that when I click on the “User” icon, a list of patch names are displayed for a fraction of a second, but then are quickly replaced with a single red dot (as shown in the screenshot). It’s as if there’s a record of these patches, but Halion cannot find the associated files.

It looks like the user preset was made for example in Halion and can’t be read in Halion Sonic

In my case this cannot have happened since I’ve never owned nor demoed the full version of Halion.

Do you happen to know where Halion stores its patch names and associated files? Perhaps in an XML-file?

Thanks again for your help!

I was referring to the first screenshot you showed - the files there (e.g. “Colliding Worlds” or “Nashville”) are definetly not GA One content but additional Sound sets (you can find them in the Steinberg Store).
But these files are not the reason you see these “red signs” - the kits marked with the red signs are GA One kits, like Rene_van_der_Struik wrote correctly and it is a bug - I see this issue too.

Okay, thanks for clarifying, bns23.

What I do not understand how that User Icon is there without making one?
Some Files belong to Halion Sonic 2 Combis and others to Sonic Selection and Flux ect.
You can Find that in the Steinberg Library manager, ( see printscreen)
what does your SLM look like?
Saving presets in Halion sonic is normally saved :

on a pc and multi normally on:

Did you also delete the content of halion Sonic by the SLM?

Maybe this site can get you on the right track and otherwise contact the helpdesk of Steinberg by making a support ticket in your steinberg account.

Ultimate Outsider: How to Recover Missing Presets in HALion Sonic and Groove Agent

I hope you get it solved

Hi Rene,

Posting screenshots of your SLM was very helpful. Thank you!

I compared what you have to what I have and I am clearly missing some of the “Halion Sonic 2 Combis” that you have installed.

The specific content I’m missing is indicated with small red dashes (see screenshot below). The ones I do have are listed in “Halion Sonic Factory Content” in my SLM.

I also am missing the entire “Sonic Selection” collection but have all the same content listed under “Halion Sonic SE Factory Library”. Surprisingly I do have an icon in my version of Halion Sonic named “Sonic Selection” and it contains many presets, so maybe that’s a bug with the SLM.

Here’s a screenshot of the two Halion Entries in my SLM:

Sorry to be such a bother, but would you please confirm that the content I am missing (indicated with red dashes above) came free with Cubase and is not a result of a Halion library you purchased?

Thanks again.


Just one other quick question, do you have an icon in your version of Halion that corresponds to content from Halion Sonic SE? I just noticed that I do not.

According to the article you referenced, I think I’m supposed to have at least one (e.g. “HS SE Pro”).

Thank you.

I checked and the files you are missing are part of halion sonic 3 content , you can download it from the SDA.

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The Icons in Halion Sonic SE 3, i have them too on another computer but the presets do not load because Halion Sonic took it over and they are part now of the Halion Sonic / sonic Selection. ( I Still didn’t delete Halion Sonie SE 3 on that computer, so I could check it and compare it with a few presets.) Hope it helps

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