How to play DORICO with a computer keyboard?


kurzweil keyboard suddenly not working

I would like to know if there is a way to press the keys outlined in red on the computer keyboard while “recording”

Have you tried it?

(Yes, you can. But I think step time input will be easier)

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I pressed record and tried pressing the computer keyboard, but

the keys do not move and only the panel on the left works

Use the mouse to click the keys whilst recording?

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Yes, I can press the keys with my mouse. But I want to press the keys with my computer keyboard. As if there were a keyboard.

That is not (yet?) possible with Dorico.

Someone asked a similar question to mine, and they said that it is still an impossible technology. I think it was posted in 2022… Thank you.

It is possible with something like vmpk (free), mind you I’m not recommending it as a great way to work :slight_smile: But sure you can do that.