How to record more takes without overwriting current comp?

Hi, the Keep History is on, which is why takes are being recording. But this issue was solved in another thread.

While recording more takes into an already comped track does overwrite all the comp selections previously made on each lane, this can be undone using the comp tool to deselect a lane selection after you record more takes. For example if you record 3 more takes, the last take lane recorded will be selected, erasing all the selections you previously made. But if you use the comp tool to click and deselect this selection, it will undo the selection to the previous lane. Then click the previous lane to deselect it, and it will undo the selection of that lane, etc… and eventually your detailed comp will come back, as you deselect and undo your way back past the the newly recorded lanes.

It is kind of like an undo scenario. You have a nicely comped tracked, but decide you need more takes. You record more take lanes, which unfortunately erases your comp selections. Then you use the comp tool to carefully undo the the selections of the new takes, and you undo to the point you get your comp selections back.

This is shown graphically in this post, thanks to @raino