How to recreate this harp glissando and pedals?

Searching for harp glissandi and pedals turns up a lot of results concerning cue sized notes and pedaling diagrams. I think I might have a different issue and would appreciate advice.

Here is what I am trying to recreate:

I’m struggling with the following:

  1. Pedaling only displays in two rows, not a single line
  2. I cannot get the glissando stems to look like this, and
  3. The last leg of the glissando omits the note itself, but I can’t seem to do that in Dorico


Haven’t done this before, so grateful for ideas. The other topic is getting this to play back, of course.


Try harder :wink: select the note and in the properties (Engrave mode ?) hide stem, notehead (and ledger line when necessary)
I’d probably move that note to the very end of the previous bar, but do as you feel is ok

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Oh, thank you for this! Try harder is right - didn’t occur to me to look for that in Engrave Mode! :smile:


Now I’m wondering if those stem shapes in the original are some glyph in Dorico…

You can’t easily produce those kinds of straight beams in exactly the same way in Dorico: as soon as you have a second note, if you hide the note the beam will also be hidden.

Are these beams what you’re looking for?


To create the straight beams, I entered pairs of 32nd notes a second apart. For the first note of each pair in engrave mode, I set the beam thickness to 9/16 spaces and the separation to 3/8 spaces. For the second note of each pair, I suppressed playback and hid the notehead, stem and ledger lines. Some adjustments to the beam positions were also made.


@johnkprice, brilliant! Thank you :pray:


Daniel - yes, I get what you’re saying. As I am going about this project, I am realizing that I really don’t mind the tweaking, at least at this stage. It occurred to me a couple of days ago that I actually enjoy copying music into Dorico, there’s something Zen-like about it that I can’t quite describe.

Anyway, if anyone knows how I can force the pedaling into a single row (and use naming as in the original), I’d really appreciate it.

Thanks again!

Hide the real harp pedal diagram and use staff text:


The natural and sharp are Unicode characters U+266E and U+266F, respectively.


You can’t, certainly not at the moment. The reason though is that the convention seen in your excerpt is no longer in use (although having the note names in French would be nice, I agree). Harp pedals are now universally written with right foot over left foot lines, with partial pedaling sometimes in a single line, but even then it is getting very rare… I suggest that you use text (as well as hidden pedal markings) to achieve what you want, preferably using Dan Kreider’s MusGlyphs font.


someone created a font that replaces the harp pedal names with French names. I use it all the time.
unfortunately, I don’t remember who, only that it was someone on this forum.

You can create a beamed single note without hiding anything by selecting a flagged note and choosing Beaming > Beam Together from the context menu. You’ll need to set the beam angle in Engrave mode manually though.


Many thanks to everyone for suggestions and help!


The more time I spend on this, the more I’m becoming aware of all kinds of small but important details. This can get quite addictive!

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Same here!


this is wonderful.
I also saw that you can flip the direction of the beam stubs, for a final note of a gliss, if need be.
this was a great trick, and will help me redo the harp part in my latest work, thank-you.