How to remove gray bar number bars in write mode

I’m trying to keep a score within a single page but the gray number bars overlap the measures I’m working on and make it impossible to select a note head directly, although using my Apple Pencil I can just about select the upper part of the stem. Is there a way to turn off the gray bar number bars please?

View->System track (alt/option T)


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Thank you for your response Jesper.

Fortunately I have the Apple Magic Keyboard case for my iPad, so I was able to attach it and follow your key presses and it worked for me. After, removing it from the iPad, I was delighted to find my setting remained ‘off’. I can return to using it on a stand and continue my transcription.

Thanks again,

You should be able to untick it without a keyboard also.


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Rodney, you will notice an eye icon in the secondary tool bar. Click or tap onto that eye icon - and select, what you like to have visible.

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Thank you k_b, that’s just what I was hoping for, I’ve used that to switch between page and galley view more times than I can remember and never realised what the other items were for! :face_with_thermometer: