Hello! I am currently working on some mastercopies for elementary music and my teachers prefer that I just have rhythm without a staff. Is that possible with Dorico? I currently have it written on a percussion staff, but I can do whatever I need to get it without a staff if possible.
I wonder if this might be helpful:
Can I download this on mac? It isn’t working for me
Do you mean that installing it on your Mac isn’t working? (Actually downloading it is as simple as clicking on the 0and1Line.zip link above, of course.)
Using it requires importuning it as a library:
(Just in case you need help with this:)
- In Mac Finder hold down opt while clicking on your Go menu. You’ll see the addition of a Library choice in roughly the middle of the menu
- Navigate to [User] > Library > Application Support > Steinberg > Dorico [ver.] > DefaultLibraryAddition folder to follow @FredGUnn’ instructions above
Just wanted to mention there was a change in how these are handled between D4 and D5. The one I just posted here should work. Just be sure you unzip the file, then copy and paste the doricolib file to the correct location.
Doricolib files only work on documents created from File/New after you’ve correctly place the doricolib file as this sort of info is embedded into the file at the time of file creation. You’ll need to restart Dorico after adding the doricolib file, then create a New file (which you can copy the contents of the old file into) or bring in the new settings using the Library Manager.